Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

i think you girl,boy

hello guys,since i was joined with labkom,i almost forget that i had my blogger. since it works and became my diary blog in internet. i just posted a few title writing on my blog. ok to the point... after i have ever said good bye with my old boy friend. i bring my self to be like a hapier person. for what i am gonna be, i try with the easy one,by listening the radio and my favorite one is PRAMBORS Fm. then i listen easily the sweet one,who doesn't knows JUstin Beiber....every teenegers know it. and matbe that's one of their favorites idols in the world. ckckckkc lebay :P

for me,when i was known him... i thought he is a girl, his voice such as like teeneger. hahahaha and my friend said that i do mistake, she said he is the young one. so because i was so vary curious.. i sit on my work table. do some surfing on internet and what i said "owh my....You are Boy i could belive"...and till know iam so excited. hahahahhaha...

it's the effect when i was so loyal with my job. just having the slowly song cos of the problem. owh men it's the risk of love. hahahahha...so i try to find another one such like this

and you may know what... iam addicted with him. i think he is a gentle boy and so my friend does. hopefully i can meet another one in my real life just for a brother. hahahaha...it's the reason cos i am the last sister my brother has. aaahhhh for a dream one,i hope i could meet when he has having a concert in my country. hopefully yah...

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